If this is your first time on this site you will no doubt be wondering who or what is Mackintosh Jim? Perhaps you’ve stumbled upon this site after searching for something in particular and you ended up down a rabbit hole? Or better yet, you chose to come here from one of my social media pages?

Either way, thank you for taking the time to visit, hopefully you’ll stay a while, have a read and leave a comment or two. I run Mackintosh Gin and TESTTEST where I like to keep it professional, but this is my personal site where there *might* be swearing, examples of poor life choices and somewhere that I share all the random stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere else!

For those who know me, you’ll know what to expect on this site. For those who don’t know me, my name is Jim Mackintosh, I’m a veteran, a distiller, an apparel maker, a photographer, a biker, a lover and most importantly, I’m a father.

I had a moment in 2014 when I was fast approaching 40 and realised that whilst I have had some amazing adventures in life, there were many I hadn’t had. There were too many times when I said no, was too cautious or too busy. The penny had dropped, I realised we’re only here for a short time and it should be enjoyed.

So here we are, this site is a journal of sorts of my mid life crisis and snippets of how me & my partner in crime are growing old disgracefully! These are the ramblings of a born again biker trying to live his life before dying! 

Jim Mackintosh aka Jim Mack
Jim Mackintosh Portrait

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